Monday, June 30, 2008

Realization ...lost in reverie...

Asato ma sadgamay! Tamaso ma jyotirgamay ! Mrityoma amritasya gamay ! rudra jatte dakshinam mukham ten manng pahi nityam !!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Dreams ahead

... I fear not to make a disclosure... they are something I really own long after I am gone I will still live with them .....amongst all....perhaps they are the only and some other for which my heart still beats.....and my eyes still look up to the Sky for hope and .....

Sunday, June 22, 2008


.... Water gushes out from the gullet ....cast away ....... its like a game where Time is the most important factor.... if you can't have it right its never yours to be ...but there always is an excuse of let it be what it should be but I won't ... till the last breath.....

Saturday, June 21, 2008

There is Life around...

And viola !! as they used to say when the Wizard swished his magic wand..... when drops of water from the green leaves fall ... the squirrel playing with its almond beneath... the sparrows dwoodle with the twigs ... and the butterfly with the yellow and brown spotted wings hover above the violets and white .....
There is life around......

4 days amiss...

4 days lost in memory down lane.... enduring habits of routine failure feels miserable but its undertaken in avid sense of discipline courage and frugal nonchalant considerations....but somewhere I can sense Light....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

And I am back

from School of Life where I had been learning the Art of War its principles and the attitude for it that perspective today I learned silhouetting and abstract miniatures and some glass etches very sharp with lil bits of surrealistic expressionismus.. fantasizing flower of fortuna ..

But it seems I drank a lot just had a concoction of misty gloomy yet surprisingly sparles of colours and light through the veil .......

Monday, June 16, 2008

half an hour worth...

Really if its half an hour worth..
Life as it should be...
Too much emphasis on these...
Huh! I wonder when I overcome
with myself and sustain
this Virtual Disillusionary Harmony.
What I need at the moment is regardless after one another
to succumb to this whirlpool of Light....

The Unfaithful Court of Justice

Truth and Lies if thats all in Justice so called believe me the past few weeks I had enough of it. We are actually chasing something or the other trying to become Prophets and on a white n grey morning like this I feel that nothing is over as yet. We are hipocryts trying to salvage the remnant of ashes and expecting the ashes to give up to a Phoenix... The Crisis gives way to Desperation and then Philosophical deception accepted and then Renunciation..... What do u call that Rhythmical Bible .....Its all waves and particles dancing some Foxtrot and some Water Ballet.... well Breakfast is ready !! Atleast I am going to eat today morning ....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Complaints or compliments....

Its somewhat confusing this grey morning that I had felt the urge to express myself in words .... yet at times I thought its just to keep the promise that I would be blogging everyday from now on...Meeta had replied to my SMS earlier in the morning infact she quoted the same lines....that I had written to her maybe she could'nt think better.... its always a prerequisite bonkering on the mind that you dream on and how you realize it ...its when you apply the brakes... and think uh !! oh my god !! how am I going to do ... I had thought of a scheme its like this too much socializing will give you many friends in business and work too besides that you may have to give up something or the other but its the expense and you must pay up.. whether its very dear to you it does'nt matter. maybe sometime down the line I will have the company of books and lab notebooks and chemicals that I have adored so much the laboratory rooms and the hours spent in Libraries collecting information...... so Ladies and Gentlemen its time for a break in parties and meetings Vasudev will be no more......

From Today I hope to write even more frequently may be everyday...

Lets see If I can put it up all right, It feels rugged when you are actually despised or deprived when you curse yourself ... I would try to restrict myself of being fiercely negative but its something like that I sometimes feel awkward kind of feelin that I had'nt acted right I should have pushed a lil further and things could have matured.. but its always a reflection kind of thing as becuz whenever I am alone on my way bk home or in a cab if I have nothin to do I just sit bk a nd reflect upon everything... and everything seems very clear i look the world as a selfish apple and after a few mins I repent as I myself think that it should have been evrybody's way....and evrything serves me right..... so it may seem that I am feelin all right now but my discrepancies will haunt me all night and I know that usually the debts and the daily accounts and loans open will not let me shut down my eyes .... but those lights down the lampost will ooze to daylight the stars givin way to the sharp sunrays... and Good morning !!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Million mornings for what to achieve..

Believe me moments move fast.

nothing to till the deeds

that remained in chronicles

and history silent nonchalant


Call me Life as to what has

been done & thats really left

to be by me or others


It is the wish that makes you

move & for nothings that

one will think about that remain....

Forgot all that lies beyond

so that

billions will stop moving

and loving what they called their past

present and future.......

Saturday, March 15, 2008


I stopped by
To watch Life move on...
people nature small moments..
A concoction that makes
virtually evrything run by..
as I stood watching..
in awe....

I tried to walk could'nt
my bits leaped to have everything
all at a time.

Everybody went on
without caring as I
stood watching in

I smiled at every bits
I tried to talk to give a hug
to all ....

but none..

heard me from behind
as I
stood waiting everything

past by.......