Saturday, August 6, 2011

....August 20.. ......

I has realized a bit of what it could have been had it not what it is but as of now the intricate connection between I and that has widened a bit or may be narrowed to that extent of committing harakiri. I laughs at himself, its not a feeling of contempt but radical thoughts that metamorphoses into some jelly like thing green obscure with dints of red watermelon yes presumably watermelon you know how the seeds are embedded into that green sac of red flesh but some little drooling may be in compassionate on health grounds and I goes from door to door for facts that lay hidden and play a game of I spies or Merry go round or say that of frantically searching or shall I use the word grope for a known hand which I will take close to its bosom . I eyes are red and some white wine will trickle down the hands known to I only will try to wipe what has swept out of that green sac irrespective of the seeds embedded that I never can take out.
Its 30 yrs or some where I has a 5 million of Gandhi to give in charity and some 100 more that will be given to mass which must accept or rather will accept with impish grin because it has to what it has done for decades and years , centuries, ages and sagas to be written forth as that I never stops in giving or taking and in this search for balance may be I is lost for the day & for the night hereafter....
or shall I say I is dead or would be in moments to come but believe me I had the undaunted spirit never thought I to die such a cowardly death or shall I say I was invincible never feared Death to the Truth and for matter of Passion and hence I was a little more selfish but may be the heart won't beat again as I dies slowly beat by beat to the tune of Mozart's Rondo or Friedrich's Waters till one last breath I........

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